Our specialisms of Engineering, Technical Digital and Creative Digital have been carefully chosen by our Employer Partners because these are the areas that they need to recruit to in terms of their future employees.


Where will a career in Digital take you?

We live in a Digital world. Digital Technology plays an integral part in everything we do – from the way we work, to how we spend our leisure time to how businesses operate. The next big technological innovation is always just around the corner. The rapid pace of change in Digital Technology shows no sign of slowing, ensuring people with relevant Digital skills and qualifications are, and will continue to be, highly sought after. The number of people employed in the ICT and Digital sector is forecast to increase by 15% by 2020 – that’s a lot of jobs! At RDUTC we specialise in two areas of Digital:

Technical Digital, including ICT, Software Development, Coding and Cyber Security

Creative Digital, including Art and Design, Web Design, App Design and iMedia


Discover the exciting world of Mechatronic Engineering.

RDUTC specialises in Mechatronics which is an exciting, multi-disciplinary field of Engineering that includes a combination of Systems and Control Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and Design Engineering.  It involves the research, design, implementation and maintenance of intelligent engineered products and processes enabled by the integration of mechanical, electronic, computer and software engineering technologies. Examples of Mechatronic systems are antilock braking systems (ABS), robots, digitally-controlled combustion engines, self-adaptive tools, contact-free magnetic bearings and automated guided vehicles.

Revolutionary facilities

Our state-of-the-art facilities have everything you need to #GetTheEdge


Get the edge

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